Advent Ideas for the Family

Advent is a time for us to prepare our hearts for Jesus. Most of the time, we think about preparing for the celebration of Christmas. Christmas is definitely worth celebrating! We need to remember and be thankful for the gift of Jesus 2000 years ago.

More important than remembering the past event of Jesus’ birth, however, is preparing for His coming both in the present and in the future. When he comes to us daily in prayer, in His Word, or in the Eucharist, how prepared does He find our hearts? Are we receptive to His real presence and activity in our lives?

Advent is also a time to prepare for Jesus next coming. When He comes down from Heaven will He find us vigilant and watchful? Advent is a time to remind ourselves that we do not know the time or the day of His coming, but that we are always to be ready, hopeful, and faithful.

A great video to help put the Advent season in perspective is by Fr. Mike Schmitz. It can be found by clicking here.

Below is an Advent calendar to assist your family in preparing your hearts this Advent season. May God Bless us all as we prepare for His coming. Come Lord Jesus!
