2022/2023 Re-Registration for Current CCS Families

Dear Parents,

RE-REGISTRATION FOR CURRENT CCS FAMILIES for the 2022/2023 school year will take place on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, January 5th from 2:30-5:30 pm

  • Thursday, January 6th from 7-9 pm

Re-registration will only be IN-PERSON. Forms will not be sent home with your child. You are required to come to review your Pre-filled Re-registration form for accuracy or correction and hand-in additional required forms. 

To speed up the process, make sure you fill out in advance the following mandatory forms which needs to be filled out every year. Click on the links below to download and print out the forms.

You may also need the following forms:

  • Form A - only needs to be filled out if you have moved or your parent’s proof of citizenship has expired or changed since your child was registered. (Please supply a copy of utility bill or citizenship papers as well).

  • Volunteer Driver Form - only needs to be filled out if you want to drive children other than your own when you volunteer to any school activities or events.

  • Emergency Medical Form and Parent Consent Form - only need to be filled out if you need to change information or if you have another child coming to the school this year or if you have had additional children join the school in the past two years.

We will set up a table inside the school for re-registration. Please note that entrance will be at the primary doors (kindergarten entrance) on the above dates. 

If you are unable to make one of the above dates, the alternative is to set an appointment with Marnie for re-registration. Click on the link to book an IN-PERSON Appointment between Friday, January 7th, and Wednesday, January 12th: https://www.schoolinterviews.ca/code/ya52p

APPLICATIONS FOR NEW FAMILIES for the 2022/2023 school year are being received starting Tuesday, January 18th at 9:00am. New registrations will not be accepted before. Please ensure that you bring the following documentation as applicable:

  • Application Form

  • Copy of Birth Certificate

  • Copy of Baptismal Certificate

  • Copy of Care Card

  • Citizenship (If no Canadian birth certificate)

  • Copy of immunization records

  • Copy of Parent/Guardian Birth Certificate or Canadian Citizenship Card

  • Copy of Current Utility Bill (with address)

  • Latest Report Card (if applicable)

  • $50 application fee

Should you have additional questions, please contact Marnie at (604) 574-5151 or email at office@cloverdalecatholicschool.ca

Clive Heah